Anti-Depressants Twitter report for the week of September 18, 2022

Daily sentiment

Net daily sentiment ranged from -28.55 for on Monday the 19th to 19.28 for on Thursday the 22nd.

The sentiment for each tweet is scored from -1 (most negative) to +1 (most positive) using VADER sentiment analysis. Net sentiment is calculated by summing the sentiment across all tweets for a given day and/or category, then normalizing the score by the number of tweets.

daily sentiment for tweets published between 2022-09-18 and 2022-09-24

Medical conditions from the MedDRA dictionary

Anxiety was the most frequently observed medical condition mentioned. Insomnia had the highest overall net sentiment of 8.48. Crying had the lowest net sentiment this week (-39.56).

medical condition count sentiment
Anxiety 83 -3.40
Pain 59 -8.69
ADHD 22 2.83
Coldness, Cold 19 -13.20
Insomnia 18 8.48
Crying 17 -39.56
Sickness 15 -12.91
Forgetfulness 14 -10.89
Sweating 12 3.84
Fall 11 8.11

MedDra is a standardized medical terminology developed by the International Council for Harmonization Cross-referencing tweets against this list is a starting point for identifying medical conditions mentioned in tweets.

Cross-referencing the MedDRA dictionary by sentiment and topic

Positive tweets:

There were 120 tweets with an strong positive sentiment. The top 10 most frequent medical conditions mentioned within these tweets were (1) Anxiety, (2) Pain, (3) ADHD, (4) Sleepiness, Sleepy, (5) Insomnia, (6) Sweating, (7) Forgetfulness, (8) Addiction, (9) Fall, (10) Migraine. Of these terms, Sleepiness, Sleepy (n=7), Addiction (n=3), Migraine (n=3) were not in the top 10 most frequent terms across all tweets.

Meddra conditions associated with positive tweets published between 2022-09-18 and 2022-09-24

Negative tweets:

There were 144 tweets with an strong negative sentiment. The top 10 most frequent medical conditions mentioned within these tweets were (1) Anxiety, (2) Pain, (3) Crying, (4) Numbness, (5) Coldness, Cold, (6) Forgetfulness, (7) ADHD, (8) Fall, (9) Sickness, (10) Sweating. Of these terms, Numbness (n=8) were not in the top 10 most frequent terms across all tweets.

Meddra conditions associated with negative tweets published between 2022-09-18 and 2022-09-24

Word-level analysis

The 25 most important words within positive tweets (compared to negative and neutral) tweets are shown in the treemap below. The size of each box represents the weighted score of each word. The word “fluorid” within the search for “Fluoxetine” had the highest overall weight. When the words are summed for each topic, Sertraline had the highest overall weight.

words associated with positive tweets published between 2022-09-18 and 2022-09-24

The 25 most important words within negative tweets (compared to positive and neutral) tweets are shown in the treemap below. The word “veget” within the search for “Tryptophan” had the highest overall weight. When the words are summed for each topic, “Sertraline” had the highest overall weight within negative tweets.

words associated with negative tweets published between 2022-09-18 and 2022-09-24

This analysis of words evaluates the stemmed version of words using the Snowball algorithm. By stemming words, words with similar meaning, such as pain, painful & pained, are grouped together as simply “pain”.

Beta: text classification

Tweets that describe adverse events/side effects (first person point of view)

tweet search topic(s) medical condition(s) mentioned
idk about Zoloft but Fluoxetine made me want to off myself fr on the first day and gave me the worst stomach ache of all time fluoxetine Ache, Stomach ache
Doing both 9th and 10th update today because I forgot <U+0001FAE3> 9th day: I was actually feeling pretty great, some minor pain from my first day on Loestrin Fe but all in all, yesterday was a good day. #anxiety #fluoxetine #loestrinfe fluoxetine Anxiety, Pain
_HD I was given amitriptyline for my nerve pain in upper legs. Supposed to take 30 mins before bedtime. Have to say its one bonus , I fell asleep really quickly, and slept like a log. Did take a bit longer in mornings to get going. Downside was I felt it made me feel more confused. amitriptyline Confused, Confusion, Nerve pain, Pain
my dreams on sertraline? weird as shit. my dreams when i forget to take my sertraline? the weirdest fuckin most vivid dreams you could ever imagine sertraline Forgetfulness, Vivid dreams
Hi I had an mri and ct scan both with contrast dye, I have the same pains, but worse today left side of head down side of ear and neck, also pain in lower right hip, doctor will not give me painkillers only amitriptyline 10mg, not doing anything, I have been laid up all day, amitriptyline Pain
I sleep better on amitriptyline and it also helps my pain. Sleep still isn’t refreshing sleep, but better than waking up every 3 hours. So, between less fatigue from pain and a better sleep, I have more energy than with more pain/worse sleep. amitriptyline Fatigue, Pain
A night back in late July/early august I took 1 gram of Sertraline. A few hours later and I vomited 5 times, my throat hurt afterwards sertraline Vomiting
Sertraline withdrawal dreams nightmares have begun. Can’t even describe the dream I just woke up from now but it was horrendous and I can’t believe my kind even came up with that Gonna try to sleep again…it’s gonna be a long night… sertraline Nightmare, Nightmares
I got prescribed trazodone and I forgot that I’m supposed to take it at bedtime cause this shit made me so sleepy trazodone Sleepiness, Sleepy
Lorazepam short term, and Citalopram long-term had been a game changer for me. I started the Citalopram low and slow, but by the time I got to half a tablet, I was not feeling any anxiety or depression. citalopram Anxiety
First day on Sertraline. Exhausted, nauseous and have a banger of a headache. Didn’t expect the side effects to start quite this quickly <U+0001F633><U+0001F615> sertraline Exhaustion, Headache, Nauseous
i eat like a handful every night just to get moderately sleepy i need my trazodone bsck trazodone Sleepiness, Sleepy
I ran out of trazodone and didn’t fall asleep until 6 this morning. I’m feeling so confused today. Everything feels out of place trazodone Confused, Confusion, Fall
im talking to my doctors next week, but i’ve been on sertraline for 5 weeks now and i am having fucking CONSTANT diarrhoea i dont think thats a good thing. sertraline Diarrhoea
I couldn’t get on with amitriptyline. I use that as an absolute last resort when it’s too bad but it knocks me out so much the next day I feel like I’ve got a massive hangover. I have two slipped discs too, had surgery on them but it failed. I feel your pain! X amitriptyline Hangover, Pain
to expand on this (mentions of SH and sewerslidal thoughts) I had started citalopram for my depression and anxiety— it really only helped my anxiety and made my depression worse. i SH and had to go on a 24 hour watch with my gf citalopram Anxiety
I had a doctor try to do that. Mydayis in the morning, trazodone at night. I’m sure it’s not the same thing, but without the trazodone, I might only get an hour of sleep a night. I stopped the ADHD meds after that. trazodone ADHD
i knew sweating was one of the side effects of sertraline but i didn’t think it’d be this excessive, i move a muscle and i’m sweating buckets sertraline Sweating
I keep getting these constant headaches. <U+0001F614> is it a side effect from the sertraline or am I just over cautious? sertraline Headache
took my trazodone and i can’t sleep all i have is a headache smh trazodone Headache

This classifier was trained on a set of tweets manually reviewed and tagged. The classifier was trained using GloVe, a pretrained word embedding layer.


Webpage created in R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18) and R Studio (Version 1.4.1717) using the following packages: plotly, kableExtra, formattable, treemap, and wordpressr.

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  • Martijn Tennekes (2021). treemap: Treemap Visualization. R package version 2.4-3.
  • Simit Patel (2021). wordpressr: An API Wrapper for WordPress Site APIs. R package version 0.1.0.
  • Hutto, C.J. & Gilbert, E.E. (2014). VADER: A Parsimonious Rule-based Model for Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Text. Eighth International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-14). Ann Arbor, MI, June 2014.