Anti-Depressants Twitter report for the week of July 17, 2022

Daily sentiment

Net daily sentiment ranged from -19.48 for on Saturday the 23rd to 21.03 for on Tuesday the 19th.

The sentiment for each tweet is scored from -1 (most negative) to +1 (most positive) using VADER sentiment analysis. Net sentiment is calculated by summing the sentiment across all tweets for a given day and/or category, then normalizing the score by the number of tweets.

daily sentiment for tweets published between 2022-07-17 and 2022-07-23

Medical conditions from the MedDRA dictionary

Dehydration was the most frequently observed medical condition mentioned. Dehydration had the highest overall net sentiment of 26.8. Pain had the lowest net sentiment this week (-39.51).

medical condition count sentiment
Dehydration 148 26.80
Anxiety 100 -7.17
Sweating 88 8.30
Pain 76 -39.51
Coldness, Cold 33 -11.52
ADHD 30 16.21
Forgetfulness 25 1.72
Stress 25 -23.55
Fall 21 -8.49
Passed out 19 14.95

MedDra is a standardized medical terminology developed by the International Council for Harmonization Cross-referencing tweets against this list is a starting point for identifying medical conditions mentioned in tweets.

Cross-referencing the MedDRA dictionary by sentiment and topic

Positive tweets:

There were 253 tweets with an strong positive sentiment. The top 10 most frequent medical conditions mentioned within these tweets were (1) Dehydration, (2) Sweating, (3) Anxiety, (4) ADHD, (5) Forgetfulness, (6) Passed out, (7) Pain, (8) Drowsiness, (9) Weight gain, (10) Fall. Of these terms, Drowsiness (n=6), Weight gain (n=6) were not in the top 10 most frequent terms across all tweets.

Meddra conditions associated with positive tweets published between 2022-07-17 and 2022-07-23

Negative tweets:

There were 238 tweets with an strong negative sentiment. The top 10 most frequent medical conditions mentioned within these tweets were (1) Pain, (2) Anxiety, (3) Sweating, (4) Dehydration, (5) Coldness, Cold, (6) Stress, (7) Crying, (8) Dizziness, Dizzy, (9) Sickness, (10) Stroke. Of these terms, Crying (n=8), Dizziness, Dizzy (n=7), Sickness (n=7), Stroke (n=6) were not in the top 10 most frequent terms across all tweets.

Meddra conditions associated with negative tweets published between 2022-07-17 and 2022-07-23

Word-level analysis

The 25 most important words within positive tweets (compared to negative and neutral) tweets are shown in the treemap below. The size of each box represents the weighted score of each word. The word “stay” within the search for “Citalopram” had the highest overall weight. When the words are summed for each topic, Citalopram had the highest overall weight.

words associated with positive tweets published between 2022-07-17 and 2022-07-23

The 25 most important words within negative tweets (compared to positive and neutral) tweets are shown in the treemap below. The word “depress” within the search for “Sertraline” had the highest overall weight. When the words are summed for each topic, “Sertraline” had the highest overall weight within negative tweets.

words associated with negative tweets published between 2022-07-17 and 2022-07-23

This analysis of words evaluates the stemmed version of words using the Snowball algorithm. By stemming words, words with similar meaning, such as pain, painful & pained, are grouped together as simply “pain”.

Beta: text classification

Tweets that describe adverse events/side effects (first person point of view)

tweet search topic(s) medical condition(s) mentioned
I’ve been on most of the ptsd sleep meds my dr knows of & most gave me serotonin syndrome ! I’m on doxepin now & it helps me sleep but it doesn’t do a damn thing about constant horrible nightmares & waking in sweat. Everyday I feel: I’m so sick of the nightmares!! #NEISvoid doxepin Nightmare, Nightmares, Sickness, Sweating
Now I have BA.5, sinuses are packed. Lost my voice. Have an incredibly sore throat. Eyes burn, but I can’t nap AND I wake up at 7am every day. Trazodone = too weak to get reasonable sleep. Brain fog. No smell/strong tastes only.

Looking back at Omicron, I had it EASY.

trazodone Burn, Sinusitis, Sore throat, Weakness
I’ve been sweating like crazy on venlafaxine when I did literally anything other than sitting still. Sweating all over my body and getting my t-shirt completely soaking wet. Even in cold weather. Glad I’m getting off of it. venlafaxine Coldness, Cold, Sweating
affects from not having the sertraline plus I’ve the headache from hell because of the large dose of sumatriptans I took!! #prescriptions #withdrawal #headache #migraine #dangerous #inbed #collapse #fall #dizzy #muzzyhead #itchyskin sertraline Dizziness, Dizzy, Fall, Headache, Migraine
sertraline, the song: <U+0001F3B6> coz everytime i stand i feel light-headed <U+0001F3B6> <U+0001F3B6> and everytime i sleep i wake soaking wet <U+0001F3B6> sertraline Light-headed
Waking up is a more pleasant experience on Duloxetine…

Instead of a sudden 0-100 wake up, I wake up slowly and peacefully. And I could honestly go back to sleep,I’m still that drowsy it’s honestly great.

duloxetine Drowsiness
my heart rate has been skyrocketing today, i got way more winded than usual walking home, and i have a horrible headache — thank you sertraline <U+0001F92A> sertraline Headache
couldn’t find my trazodone last night so I had those weird waking nightmares the whole night and now I am very tired and stressed <U+0001F643> like when you think you’re awake but it’s actually a dream but you’re half awake, not sleep paralysis bc I can move around in bed, just so weird trazodone Nightmare, Nightmares, Paralysis, Stress
Holy shit I was literally taking duloxetine for chronic pain issues and have been feeling so horrible! Now I know why duloxetine Chronic pain, Pain
they make me feel bad ive fr tried fluoxetin, sertraline, lexapro, and hydroxezine AND ALL OF THEM MADE ME FEEL BAD especially i think lexapro ts made me want to k— myself srris bad u hate them sertraline Feeling bad
i am on venlafaxine (effexor) and it fucks up my temperature regulation and makes me sweat a ton yet feel cold at the same time its horrible venlafaxine Coldness, Cold, Feeling cold, Sweating
This is my day 2 of taking Sertraline(Antidepressant). I feel dizzy and nauseous, yet my mind is a bit calmer than before. I can concentrate more on my living’s interests, and that I still feel quite agitated there. Keep going. sertraline Agitated, Agitation, Dizziness, Dizzy, Nauseous
I take Duloxetine for chronic pain following the surgery, and the 3-week heatwave we had here a while back was pretty tough. I drank like a camel. Good advice! duloxetine Chronic pain, Pain
i started taking my venlafaxine again today for the first time since before I was pregnant &amp; I feel so sick &amp; dizzy venlafaxine Dizziness, Dizzy, Sickness
Idk how long it’s been since I stopped my Sertraline… a month, six weeks? Idk. Brain fog has cleared and I have my emotions back. Still getting heart palpitations every day… But HALLE-FUCKING-LUJAH the poison is gone… sertraline Palpitations, Poisoning
i forgot to take my mirtazapine last night and i already have a withdrawal headache. so i guess i’ll take half of one now and just be SO tired today. <U+0001FAE0><U+0001FAE0> mirtazapine Headache
I just took two sertraline. Now I have a headache and nausea. I seem to be able to see white light in front of me. Trembling all over. I’m so cold. sertraline Coldness, Cold, Headache, Nausea, Trembling
Low thyroid hormone can cause cold intolerance. I frequently get chills from mine, and considering that my sertraline makes me have neck sweats, the combination of overheating and then freezing because of the sweat is…not good. sertraline Chills, Coldness, Cold, Sweating
Day 6 When the migraine beats all the medication #Triptan #aspirin #paracetamol #ibuprofen #codeine #naproxen #amitriptyline #NEISvoid #migraine #MigraineChat #ChronicPain #Menopause #sheffield #pain #exhausted #maxalt #spoonie #fatigue amitriptyline Exhaustion, Fatigue, Migraine, Pain
That useful guide also recommends tapering slowly. I forgot my paroxetine on a two week holiday once and it was awful. Withdrawal symptoms just got worse until I eventually got back home on the meds, so I dont recommend cold turkey. paroxetine Coldness, Cold

This classifier was trained on a set of tweets manually reviewed and tagged. The classifier was trained using GloVe, a pretrained word embedding layer.


Webpage created in R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18) and R Studio (Version 1.4.1717) using the following packages: plotly, kableExtra, formattable, treemap, and wordpressr.

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  • Kun Ren and Kenton Russell (2021). formattable: Create ‘Formattable’ Data Structures. R package version 0.2.1.
  • Martijn Tennekes (2021). treemap: Treemap Visualization. R package version 2.4-3.
  • Simit Patel (2021). wordpressr: An API Wrapper for WordPress Site APIs. R package version 0.1.0.
  • Hutto, C.J. & Gilbert, E.E. (2014). VADER: A Parsimonious Rule-based Model for Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Text. Eighth International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-14). Ann Arbor, MI, June 2014.